Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Know Your Home and Community

This week I have a new assistant. I am so excited to be working with Betsy Ricks and know we will have a great time working with our Wolfs. We also worked on Achievement 4 requires some homework but we did most of it in our meeting. We went over 4a but could not complete it because I could not get my printer to work so we will finish it up in our next den meeting. We also discussed 4b-what to do if someone comes to the door and wants to come in, 4c-tell what to do if someone calls on the phone and 4d what to remember when leaving your home. You would be proud of your boys, they knew all the answers and then some. Home work was 4e-with your family make a job chart and 4f-Visit a historic or government location. I suggested the post office or library. We had a guest speaker as well this week, my husband, Tanner Johnson. He is PM for a construction company and spoke with the boys about construction and some of the equipment they use. Tanner helped us pass off Elective 8a and got us excited about our much smaller building achievement.

Keep Your Body Healthy

This week the boys worked on Achievement 3, Keep your body healthy. 3a is to chart your healthy habits for two weeks. Each scout was given a chart to take home a fill out. If this chart did not make it home please email me and I will get you one. They must complete this to get Achievement 3 passed off. In our meeting we did complete 3b and 3c. We also worked on Elective 9b and hope to complete it in the next few weeks. Sorry no pictures this week.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Your Flag

This week we worked of Achievement 2, Your Flag. The boys learned about the New York state flag and seal. They also took part in an out door flag ceremony thanks to Dave Dibble.