Thursday, November 4, 2010

Achievement 8 Cooking and Eating

This week the wolfs learned about nutrition and cooking. Betsy Ricks taught the boys about the food pyramid and how to set a proper table. They played a game and now know what side of the plate a spoon, fork and knife belong. Betsy helped the boys accomplish requirement 8a but the rest of them need to be done at home.

We also learned how to make 123 peanut butter cookies.
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. peanut butter
1 egg
mix thoroughly and roll into 1 inch balls
roll balls in sugar and bake at 350 until bottom turns golden brown
When the cookies come out of the oven place a chocolate kiss in the middle.
Every boy helped make cookies and did a great job.

We also discussed what they needed to do at home this week to complete the rest of Achievement 8 at home. Please help your sons with requirements 8b, 8c, 8d and 8e. Align Right Justify Full

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